America's favorite Ghostbusters-themed juice box is making a comeback this summer alongside the new movie, and it should bring back vivid memories for those who grew up in the late '80s and early '90s.
We are, of course, talking about the Ecto Cooler flavor of Hi-C. The return of the drink, which hasn't been on store shelves under its Ghostbusters-themed name since 2001, has long been rumored, but was made official today by the Coca-Cola Company. The beverage will come in 10 packs of six-ounce juice boxes as well as six or 12 packs of 11.5 ounce cans. When the drink inside is cool enough, the outside of the cans will turn slime green, as is fitting for a drink that long used Slimer as its mascot. Here is how the drink's official Twitter account describes the beverage:
"One part slime, one part nostalgia, one part movie tie-in, one part fun, one part unknown."
That certainly sounds ... less than appetizing, but people love the stuff.
The history of Coca-Cola's Ecto Cooler flavor of Hi-C is a long and complicated one. The drink came about in 1987 to tie in with The Real Ghostbusters cartoon show, which aired three years after the debut of the original film. Though The Real Ghostbusters ended in 1991, Ecto Cooler lived on and was produced for more than a decade thanks to the drink's runaway popularity.
Eventually, Ecto Cooler was taken off store shelves ... sort of. The product was apparently rebranded Shoutin' Orange Tangergreen in 2001, though it's unclear if the drink used the exact same Ecto Cooler recipe.
It’s not an apparition. Taste the Ecto this summer. #EctoCooler
— Ectocooler (@Ectocooler) April 25, 2016
Regardless, it will soon be back, so fans will want to stock up. Something tells us that the drink's survival for more than a decade was a fluke and that fans shouldn't expect this Ghostbusters reboot-themed drink to stick around for more than a year or two at the most. Of course, that's probably what people said when the drink first appeared on the scene as well. Perhaps if it sells well enough, the new Ecto Cooler will stay on store shelves even longer than the original.