Watch This Daredevil Ride A Hoverboard On The Edge Of A Skyscraper

We all know that hoverboards can be dangerous, and we aren't just talking about them catching on fire. We have all seen those videos of people falling off the electronic skateboards, but this guy is bringing a whole new meaning to the danger of riding a hoverboard.

That's because this daredevil is doing so on the edge of skyscraper. While he doesn't possess superhero abilities, having the guts to get that close to the edge deserves every one of the five minutes of fame he will get for this stunt.

The guy behind this daring ride is the Siberian stuntman named Oleg "Cricket" Sherstyachenko, who practices acrobatics, gymnastics and parkour, and is known for doing wild things like standing on the top of the ledges of skyscrapers — and even hanging from them.

Now, the video of Sherstyachenko's latest shenanigans is gaining the attention of the Internet because of his smooth moves while on the device — not to mention how brave he is for even playing around with the device while being so high up.

The skyscraper where he does this hoverboard stunt on is located in Dubai, because, well, we guess Dubai has the best skyscrapers on which to do crazy things. The downward view alone, in the beginning of the video, is enough to have us holding onto our chairs, but watching Sherstyachenko flirt with death as he inches toward the very last bit of the building has us on our knees saying our prayers for him.

There is a really good chance you will be watching this video through the spaces in between your fingers. However, it's one of those kind of things where, even though you want to close your eyes, you just can't not look to see what happens next.

Once we fully digest that this guy is just flat-out insane for doing this, we have to give him props for what he can do on a hoverboard. He definitely seems to be in control, and at least this stuntman has enough common sense to do his spins away from the edge.

Brace yourself as you watch this daredevil ride his hoverboard on the edge of this skyscraper in the video below.

Source: Deadspin

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