AMC Changes Mind On Letting People Text During Movies

Although AMC announced yesterday that it had plans of possibly considering how it could incorporate a way to allow its customers to text during movies, the company changed its position today and announced that it won't allow texting during movies now, nor at any time in the future.

The company received backlash after the public became aware that it was entertaining the notion of allowing texting during movies. It seems that the backlash became so overwhelming that AMC didn't have a choice but to put a stop to such plans once and for all.

AMC took to Twitter to deliver the news to its customers.

The letter posted by the company mentions how it values customer feedback and that, this time, it heard its public loud and clear.

"Unlike the many AMC advancements that you have applauded, we have heard loud and clear that his is a concept our audience does not want," AMC wrote. "In this age of social media, we get feedback from you almost instantaneously and as such, we are constantly listening. Accordingly, just as instantaneously, this is an idea we have relegated to the cutting room floor.

"With your advice in hand, there will be NO TEXTING ALLOWED in any of the auditoriums at AMC Theatres. Not today, not tomorrow and not in the foreseeable future."

Originally, AMC mentioned that it thought that allowing texting during movies was a good idea because the younger generations of moviegoers seem to always have their smartphones attached to their hands. However, it seems that, although that is probably true, it doesn't mean that young people, or any moviegoers for that matter, want the distraction of dozens of bright smartphone screens lighting up dark movie theaters.

The company also promised that it's working on improving theaters and plans on spending $1 billion to upgrade existing theaters and build more IMAX facilities. AMC also plans on incorporating additional food and beverage options to theaters, as well as more comfortable seats.

AMC encourages customers to continue providing feedback so that it can do what it can to keep improving the moviegoing experience at its theaters.

Photo: William Mewes | Flickr

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