Watch the Amazing Spider-Dog scare people

There are things that go bump in the night, but few can attack you with both its horror and cuteness.

In the dead of night a dog dressed up as a huge, furry spider would shock most of us. So the people in this video aren't exceptions. And you can watch it all below.

The video is by Polish actor/director SA Wardega, just another prank captured on camera and posted to his YouTube page. Wardega really sells the horror of his spider-dog Chika by playing a dead victim of the beast, as well as wrapping bodies and body parts in huge webs. Several pedestrians run away screaming after seeing this arachna-pooch coming at them.

At the end of the video, seeing Chika in full daylight, one does wonder how anyone could be scared of such an adorable pet. A preview video posted to Wardega's Facebook page shows the dog walking around the apartment in costume, and the contrast also makes it seem silly. But a twelve-legged monster stalking you in the shadows would definitely be more alarming.

You can watch more of the prank videos made by SA Wardega on his YouTube channel.

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