American homes have become overwhelmingly smoke free

More and more Americans are saying no to cigarettes in the home.

An overwhelming majority of homes in the U.S. -- 83 percent -- do not allow smoking inside the house, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study breaks down the households with no smoking rules. This includes 91.4 percent of homes that do not have any smokers blocking any smoking happening indoors. And 46.1 percent that did have smokers living in home did not allow smoking in the house. These figures are a dramatic increase from the numbers of just 20 years ago, when an overal 43 percent of Americans did not allow smoking, including 56.7 percent of homes that did not have smokers living there and 9.6 percent of homes that did.

The prevalence of smoke-free households are also broken down by state in the CDC study. Utah currently has the most homes prohibiting smoking, with 93.6 percent. And the states with the most households that allow smoking inside? That would be Kentucky with 69.4 percent of homes having rules that ban smoking. Twenty years ago, the numbers ranged from 25.6 percent of homes being smokefree in Kentucky and 69.4 percent having smoking bans in the houses of Utah.

According to the CDC, 18 percent of Americans were smokers in 2012, down from 42 percent in 1965.

The figures on smoke-free homes come from a survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010 and 2011, with about 230,000 total respondents.

Photo: Nicoletta Ciunci

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