'Keurig For Craft Beer' Maker Introduces Its Smart Wine Dispenser That Pours The Perfect Glass And Learns Your Palate

Two years ago, the company Synek launched a Kickstarter campaign for a beer dispenser that was dubbed "the Keurig for craft beer." After its campaign saw great success, earning $650,000 to help get the product to consumers, Synek is back at it again.

However, this time, it is turning its focus on another sect of drinkers: winos.

The company introduced its new smart wine dispenser in a Kickstarter campaign that launched on Thursday. Called Somm, this product learns your palate to be able to determine which wines you like, and then provides the wine lover with a perfect pour.

"We made a big splash on the beer side of things (and we continue to grow), but I think Somm could have an even larger and more immediate impact on wine, founder of Synek Steve Young said in a statement. "There hasn't been significant innovation in this industry in decades and consumers are demanding it."

Somm is a large, box-shapped device that sits on the countertop. The device houses interchangeable bottles of wine, and includes high-tech features to make sure each glass tastes as fresh as the last. This includes temperature control and aeration control, which gives red wines breathability.

Wine bottles are a essentially cartridges called a "sylo," which are inserted into the front door of Somm. A Sylo holds about three bottles of wine into each "bottle," and features a chip that tells the machine the temperature at which to keep this particular wine.

The Somm has a patent-pending airtight container specially designed for wine, so that the wine is never exposed to oxygen — which is the alcohol's number one enemy if you want to keep it fresh. With no oxygen or light getting in and being stored at the right temperature and aeration, the wine will come out just as it's intended. All the consumer has to do is pour.

"We believe technology can make a positive impact without compromising the tradition of winemaking and consuming," Young said. "We see it as the natural first step for those new to or overwhelmed by wine. Further, once sommeliers see the effectiveness of Somm, I think they'll see it as the natural next step for the industry."

Besides pouring the perfect glass of wine, consumers can download the device's accompanying app to learn more about the wine. Through the app, they can also develop their own preferences, and Somm will learn those over time. Somm will recommend wines based on the user's palate, and can automatically order a new sylo when it is running low.

The wines are selected by experts, with 30 different options available with the launch of Somm, and more added every week.

It appears that many people are already interested in getting their hands on this wine machine that comes Stainless and Onyx, Beachwood or Dark Oak color options. The Kickstarter campaign has already raised over $57,000 of its $100,000 goal with 33 more days to go.

Those who pledge $100 or more will get Somm by Christmas. Customers can also reserve wines now at www.synek.wine.

Source: Kickstarter

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