NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly To Write About His Historic Year In Space

Those of us who have always dreamed of traveling to space will get the chance to read about former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly's historic year in space in an upcoming memoir.

Publishing powerhouse Alfred A. Knopf announced Wednesday that the space memoir, entitled "Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars", is a collaboration between Kelly and "Leaving Orbit" author Margaret Lazarus Dean.

During his recent mission, Kelly spent 340 consecutive days aboard the International Space Station, amounting to a total of 522 days in space.

He and his Russian colleague Mikhail Kornienko were blasted off into space for the year-long mission beginning late March 2015 and returned home on March 1 this year.

The U.S. Senate honored Kelly's record-breaking stay at the ISS with a resolution passed in early March.

Kelly has since then retired from NASA after 20 years of service, effective April 1. His 20-year career in space exploration had been marked with many firsts and incredible milestones.

On his Twitter account, Kelly expressed his excitement to chronicle his journey in space.

Kelly's mission aboard the ISS was designed to observe how long-term spaceflights affected the human body, as part of the goal to send manned missions to Mars.

In an excerpt provided by Knopf, Kelly described the difficulties he encountered and endured during his year in space.

His memoir will further detail the effects of the space mission on his body, as well as explain his belief in the importance of space exploration.

"If we're ever going to go to Mars someday," Kelly said in a March 2015 report, "the International Space Station is really a great platform to learn much more about having people live and work in space for longer durations."

Kelly and his twin brother Mark, who was on Earth during Scott's ISS mission, underwent several medical experiments to help researchers study the impact of living in space, with Mark as the control subject.

The twins had their visual acuity and cardiovascular function tested, among many aspects. Scott also took urine and blood samples aboard the ISS, which were brought back to Earth for comparison.

Additionally, Scott Kelly will recount the obstacles he encountered before and during his stint as a Navy test pilot and the work required to become an astronaut.

Kelly, who has more than a million followers on his Twitter account, will also publish a book of photographs of his year in space. Random House Children's Books plans to publish books about Kelly's time in space for young readers, too.

His twin Mark has already written several children's books such as "Astrotwins: Project Rescue" and "Mousetronaut", and two non-fiction books co-written with Mark's wife Gabrielle Giffords.

Meanwhile, "Endurance" will be published sometime in November 2017.

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