Honest Trailer For 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Says What We've All Been Thinking

It's not easy to say anything negative about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It's Star Wars, after all.

Finally, after all these years, a new movie in the franchise has restored the series to what fans loved about the originals.

As a result, the film made millions upon millions of dollars and was largely adored by critics and fans alike. However, that doesn't mean fans didn't feel a disturbance in the Force. Watching the movie for the first, second or third time, something became very, very clear ...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is basically A New Hope. Fans don't like to admit it, but it's the truth. In the heat of the moment, it was easy to overlook the similarities between the two, but now, fans have had time to think that, since the film's theatrical release, maybe The Force Awakens wasn't as great as we all made it out to be a few months back.

That's the opinion of Honest Trailers, at least. The YouTube series is finally tackling The Force Awakens, and they don't pull any punches. With everything you thought was cool about Episode VII, the video below will make you reconsider.

For example, have you noticed just how good Rey is at everything? She's a hotshot pilot, survivalist, lightsaber wielder and advanced Force user who also knows how to repair the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo. Compared with Luke (who was basically just a good pilot until Return of the Jedi), Rey is light years ahead, and this is only the first film of the new trilogy.

Or how about the plot of The Force Awakens in general? It's the tale of a lonely hero who doesn't know their real family, lives on a desert planet, discovers a droid carrying top-secret information, flees the Empire on board the Millennium Falcon and then joins the Resistance (Rebels) to blow up Starkiller base (Death Star). See! It's just A New Hope over again!

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but few expected director J.J. Abrams to borrow so much from the original film. The Force Awakens isn't a bad movie, it just isn't very original, as Honest Trailers helps to point out. Here's hoping Episode VIII will be a little more creative.

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