Hershey Co. debuted a new corporate logo on Friday before the holiday break, but their early Tuesday morning meeting will likely discuss the new logo's unfortunate resemblance to the "poo emoji."
The new logo removed the "S" from the Hershey Co. logo, and removes the foil that normally covers the chocolate adjacent to the brand name.
Hershey's has a new logo. Which do you prefer? Cast your vote in our poll: https://t.co/oxOCEdG4vF pic.twitter.com/QaFt4Ffp84
— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) September 1, 2014
The social media reaction has been nearly unanimous, a remarkable feat on the internet.
As a Hershey native, this makes me sad MT @mhess4: Hershey's new logo looks like poop emoji https://t.co/AheQoMXkEp pic.twitter.com/zhws3l7jhU — T.J. Ortenzi (@tjortenzi) August 28, 2014
Oh man, the new Hershey logo. Like literally no one with an iPhone under the age of 50 work there? #pileofpoodotpng pic.twitter.com/KihdjSClJ4 — Jason Crimes (@jaycrimes) August 28, 2014
Before getting feedback from the public, Hershey Co. was fairly confident the new logo would be well received.
"Our updated company brand and refreshed visual identity is an expression of our progression to a modern, innovative company that positively impacts our local communities as we continue to grow globally," said the company's official press release.
One has to wonder whether it crossed any of the Hershey executives minds that their logo alluded to such an unsavory symbol.