How To Improve Your Chances On Tinder? Use GIF

Down on your luck on Tinder? Well, that's understandable because online dating is pretty hard despite having 20 million users to interact with plus the simple layout that the popular dating app offers. However, you can change the tide by using GIFs.

A few months ago, Tinder added support for Giphy, and since then, users have sent more than 20 million GIFs among one another. According to the people behind the app, it boosted the chances of getting a response by 30 percent. What's more, GIF-filled conversations apparently last two times longer.

"GIFs allow people to better say what they want to and express emotion, which is something that's really difficult to do in text alone. It opens up people to start more conversations and to break the ice," Jonathan Badeen, cofounder and senior VP of product, tells BuzzFeed in a phone interview.

It's backed by research, so it can't be wrong, can it? In the unlikely event that it doesn't work, maybe you need to use the right GIFs. Here are the top five animated images that provide the highest possibility in getting a response, featuring Jimmy Fallon, Beyonce and Joey from Friends – yes, yes, that's Matt LeBlanc.

If the problem still continues, then perhaps it's time to adopt a strong strategy. GRONADE CEO and founder and one of the most viewed writers in Tinder Tomer Garzberg invented what he calls the Tinder ABC Hack, which stands for appearance, bio and chat.

"Tinder users swipe with ferocity. With only a split-second, if that, to make an impression on someone on a swiping-spree, there's no time for second chances," he says.

The program involves picking out the best images that represent the user's lifestyle, putting in "call-to-action" elements and ways of landing a date on the chatting stage.

To boil things down, try out the GIFs first and see how things will turn out. If it's not enough, then a mix of the GIFs and the Tinder ABC Hack should definitely improve your chances.

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