Play 'Mission Majority,' the Republican video game

Can you help the Republicans take over the Senate? They made a video game to convince you to do just that.

Mission Majority plays in your Internet browser, a simple retro-themed platformer where you control an athletic, anthropomorphic elephant that collects keys and crushes enemies. It was made by the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The game starts with a pop-up where the elephant speaks to the player, "Hi, my name is Giopi! I'm one of the GOP's best volunteers for the 2014 midterms, and I'm here to show you how we can win back the Senate! There is going to be a lot of red tape and regulations in our way, but we need to overcome them in order to succeed. At the end of each level, there is a link that will bring you to a site where you can support Republicans in real life. Ready to get started? Great, have fun!"

You collect three golden keys each level, which will "unlock the Senate and help Republicans win the majority this fall." As you do so, you face enemies that spout out quotes from Democrats, including President Obama. Enemies include Taxers -- "Harry Reid and President Obama sent the job-destroying Taxers to stop you!" -- or Mudslingers, " Democrats' Mudslingers hurl false and empty rhetoric. You can jump on them to mute their misleading words."

Since the game starts with you sharing your name and info via Google +, Facebook or manually entering your email address, it is clear from the beginning that the game was made to help the GOP build its lists. After each level, there are links to Republican websites for information on the midterm election or to donate.

There are four levels in the browser game, with the last level having you control Giopi to hit six light switches, each switch representing one of the six seats that the GOP needs to fill with elected Republican Senators to win the majority in the Senate.

Unfortunately, there are some technical issues with Mission Majority, requiring dozens of reloads before the game would actually start. But once you are playing, you will find a simple platform game along the lines of Super Mario Bros. or similar action games. The imprecise controls could have used some work and the modest graphics become even simpler after level 1, but the game is effective at getting Republicans' viewpoints across through the use of the sound quotes and concepts like Taxers.

The midterm election will be next Election Day, on November 4, 2014.

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