PlayStation exclusive and Souls series descendant Bloodborne is getting the card game treatment.
Eric Lang, game designer and self-styled "disciple of fun," ended a series of cryptic tweets by posting the box of his Bloodborne card game.
As early as November of last year, the game designer has been tweeting about something he called "Project Dream." On Tuesday, he revealed that Project Dream is the code name for his Bloodborne card game.
"Bloodborne is a card game based on the Chalice dungeon runs, where players compete to kill monsters and take their blood. But don't die," Lang tweeted.
The Bloodborne card game will consist of inventory management, leveling up, risk assessment and group think for tactical play that should average about 30 minutes per game, according to Lang.
"My goal with Bloodborne was to channel the intensity and frustration of the video game into a contest between players. Lots of death," Lang stated.
Lang also confirmed on Tuesday that his Bloodborne card game is licensed, though he alluded to that in a cryptic tweet back in November in which he stated that Project Dream was with the publisher at the time.
Lang left his position as a Facebook game developer to pursue his passion of working in the "paper game industry."
"My goal was to work exclusively on board, card and miniature games I would be passionate about," stated Lang. "Since then, I have been busy doing nothing but that."
The game designer says he has actually played Bloodborne the video game, but he also says he sucked at the action role-playing game.
Following news of the Bloodborne card game, Lang also revealed what Project Suitcase is. It's a board game based on "The Godfather."
The Godfather board game is described as "thugs on a map." It is "streamlined," "confrontational" and filled with both murder and intrigue.
The game will hinge on henchmen placement and will call for three to five players for sessions that will last between 75 and 90 minutes.
For those who follow me and have gotten to know my silly codenames for games-in-progress, this is Project Dream.
— Eric Lang (@eric_lang) March 16, 2016
You may have heard me blabbing about Project Suitcase in the last many months. Here it is. — Eric Lang (@eric_lang) March 16, 2016