What Does The Cow Say? Ask Google

What sound does a cow make?

That might seem like an easy question, but a child without a See 'n Say might not have an answer yet. Fortunately, that child's parent can now go on Google and ask the search engine about specific animal sounds.

For example, typing in a search for "what sound does a lion make?" brings up the answer: "roar." And if a child wants to hear that sound in action, Google also presents an audio recording of a lion roaring.

However, at the moment, the Google only has 19 different animal sounds. And although almost everyone loves dogs, they don't yet have a representative sound on the search engine for man's best friend. However, the rulers of the Internet, cats, have a section dedicated to "meow."

Google also doesn't yet have an answer for "What does the fox say?" but for anyone who's curious, there's an annoying song about that:

For those interested in listening to all of Google's animal sounds, just search for "animal noises." That pulls up a full list, which includes a turkey, horse, zebra, cow, ape, cat, rooster, moose, tiger and humpback whale.

Google added the animal sounds feature back in January, but didn't really mention anything about it until recently.

Sure, this isn't massive news, but imagine a round of "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" using Google's animal noises where appropriate. Ee-i-ee-i-o.

And once the kids grow bored with listening to animal sounds, there's Google's version of its search engine just for kids, Kiddle. All search results on Kiddle get picked and checked by editors, as well as filtered by Google's safe search to make sure that they're kid-friendly without any explicit content. Also, if kids decide to search for curse words or other things they shouldn't search for, the "guard robot" blocks it. Kiddle also doesn't collect any personal information from its users.

For adults, Google search can still offer up a variety of different entertaining things, all resulting in a little more fun and hilarity. This includes asking the search to do a barrel roll, doing a search for "zerg rush" and asking for the answer to life, the universe and everything.

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