Bethesda recently announced that its beta release of the most recent Fallout 4 patch reached all Steam players, and is heading to Xbox and PlayStation 4, as well.
Looking at previous releases, the patch 1.4 should arrive on the two consoles until the end of the week.
Not only does the patch 1.4 bring DLC support, but it also offers a whole new range of artsy customization for the Workshop crafting system. What's more, it puts an end to over 24 bugs, some of which were really annoying. For example, players encountered an issue involving screen effects that remained on the screen after using a scoped rifle. Thanks to patch 1.4, that is bygones.
Remember that "Kremvh's Tooth" quest item that spawned at the wrong place and at the wrong time? Or that time when you sprinted in third-person while carrying a minigun and things started to look and feel as if you drank too much radioactive water? Those issues also got resolved via the latest Fallout 4 patch.
Fallout 4’s 1.4 update is now live and public on Steam. When we have more info on the console update, we will share info.
— BethesdaGameStudios (@BethesdaStudios) February 29, 2016
Check out the full patch 1.4 notes below.
Added Features
- Add-on support
- Workshop new art customization options
- Meat totems, meat cart and meat bags added to Super Mutant clutter
- Raider poles tents and cages added to Raider clutter
- Novel paintings, both portraits and abstract
- New array of signs
- Additional wood and metal door models
Improvements & Fixes
- Stability and performance tweaks
- Kellogg's desk remains a working container while you are on the "Getting a Clue" quest
- A problem that did not allow you to dismiss your companion after the quest was done was resolved in "Rocket's Red Glare"
- "Kremvh's Tooth" quest item spawned incorrectly was fixed
- Should the player not respond, settlements that are being attacked will update you with the results of the attack
- After using a scope, screen effects issues no longer remain visible
- Solved the problem that appeared when sprinting in third person equipped with a minigun
- The area effect of explosives is now consistently extended by Rank 4 of Demolition Expert perk
- With the Scrounger perk, you may now get additional common ammo types
- Calvin Whitaker disappearing in Vault 81 issue fixed
- Solved the issue that led to the stacking of Sandman and Ninja perks to output an incorrect damage bonus
- Fixed the problem where Rank 3 of Grim Reaper's Sprint filled the critical meter incorrectly
- Key cards spawning incorrectly in Vault 75 fixed
- Solved the problem that manifested by stopping enemies from spawning during "Airship Down"
- Solved the problem when Pip-Boy used to get stuck while the player was in first person, wearing power armor and quickly switched weapons
- Solved the autosave counter issue, which resets incorrectly
- Solved the problem that caused the Pip-Boy menu to go invisible during swimming
- An issue was solved where scrapping huge quantities of only one item would scrap a legendary item
- Issue on exiting workbenches putting a glitch in third person movement fixed
- Players can now assign consecutive settlements properly to The Scribe
- Duplicating scraps shipments issues fixed
- Several consecutive transactions in a row caused some exchanging caps problems, but it is no longer the case
- Quicksave and autosave message persisted through loading screens, but the issue was fixed
- (Xbox One-specific problem) Solved a problem where updating to the latest patch would switch Options settings back to default
- Loading a save with an object placed in water displayed improperly sometimes, but the issue was fixed
It seems that the debut of the year is fruitful for Bethesda's titles. The previous Fallout 4 patch was released in January, and a recent update to the mobile game Fallout Shelter rolled out, as well.