This Generator Lets You Make Your Own Fake Donald Trump Tweets

While the endless slog of GOP and Democratic debates goes on and we draw closer to picking party candidates for the 2016 presidential election, a new online generator is making it a bit more bearable to bide time until the primaries draw to a close.

Introducing Fake Trump Tweet, which lets users compose and create their own JPEG-formatted "tweets" from the Twitter-crazed billionaire himself.

As with most online generators, the how-to is pretty straightforward. Clicking on the site takes you to a page with a form that resembles the text box of a run-of-the-mill tweet - but with the avatar from Trump's own account.

Next, type in your message, click "tweet" ...

... and voila!

As promised, the generator creates a JPEG version of a Trump tweet almost identical to those of the original source, complete with complimentary Twitter likes and retweets for an authentic look. The generator also lets you share your tweet with embeds, links and more.

Accordingly, I decided to have some fun.

And of course, I couldn't resist applying the tweet generator to one of our nation's new favorite pastimes: "Trump or Mr. Burns?"

An added bonus? Pressing on the "50% Off All Our Toupeés!" takes you to a page where you can buy actual Trump-themed merchandise, with parodies on Trump's campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" slapped onto mugs, T-shirts, posters and more.

The merch is almost as good as Bill de Blasio's spin on Trump's now-infamous red hat - but the call between the Washington Post's own hat generator and fake Trump tweets might be a harder one to make. If you really want to feel more like Trump than ever, you can head over to Time's "Donald Trump Insult Generator" to really complete the starter kit.

You, too, can tweet like Trump by clicking this link here.


Photo: Michael Vadon | Flickr

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