Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew has been there from the beginning. Like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, Mayhew bought into the idea of George Lucas' vision of Star Wars long before its success was a sure thing.
As such, Mayhew no doubt has plenty of goodies from the beginning of the franchise that Star Wars collectors would die for — like a copy of the first film's original script from 1976, for example.
The actor has taken to Twitter to post pages from the script for fans to read over, with the cover, cover page and two inside pages currently online. Mayhew says he will be posting more images from the script every day, leading up to a "big announcement," though what that announcement could be is anybody's guess.
The script itself is a tantalizing glimpse at what could have been. All the core pieces of the story are in place in the script, even if some of the names and character appearances are different from what moviegoers would eventually see on screen. R2-D2, for example, is described as a "short, claw-armed tripod" with his "face" described as "a mass of computer lights, surrounding a radar eye."
Rather than Skywalker, Luke's last name is still "Starkiller" in Mayhew's fourth draft script, with the text describing Luke as looking much younger than his 20 years and having a "prize-winning smile."
Starting today I'll post a few pages from my original @StarWars script each day leading up to a big announcement.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) February 17, 2016
It's a fascinating look at the words that would spawn the biggest film franchise of all time, and well worth following Mayhew for on Twitter. Just to think: these are only the first couple of pages. With Mayhew set to reveal more each day, fans should get a great understanding of just how much changed from this fourth draft to what ended up on film. We're not sure what kind of announcement the actor has lined up, but we're going to assume Star Wars fans might want to pay attention to his account over the next few days.