Alien-looking figure found on moon's surface? The Internet seems to think so

Did NASA come across alien life on the moon and chose to keep this information from the world? This is what some folks are saying after YouTube user, Wowforreeel, by using Google Moon found some interesting images of the moon's surface that was released to the public from NASA.

Wowforreeel began investigating the images back in July of this year, and what he found one particular image, is what appears to be a shadowy figure on the moon's surface. Once this information went viral, folks on the Internet began to claim that the figure is that of an alien life-form and that NASA was trying to keep the information hidden from the public.

Interestingly enough, some folks even went as far as to say that the figure on the moon's surface is a statue from ancient Greece among other things. It's not surprising to see the Internet come out in full force in an attempt to make sense of what is going on; it is also not surprising to see a lot of crazy assumptions.

Our assessment:

It's pretty difficult to tell who or what is on the surface of the moon from just this image alone. We're not professionals, and we don't have professional tools, just our eyes and a wild thinking brain. Still, despite our shortcomings, we have to admit that the figure does look like a person who is walking alongside the shadow.

We feel stupid for even saying that, but come on guys, just look at the thing.

Now, if it's not an alien life-form walking on the surface of the moon who is probably planting crops for the winter, then chances are it is a glitch in the camera's lens, or a trick of light. The object also appears to be quite large, so it could be an alien moon-base digging for oil and other minerals? We love to watch movies.

We can't be sure what this image is all about; it could be Photoshop, can't rule that out. Whatever it is though, it has surely caught the attention of the Internet and the conspiracy theorists from all over the world.

At the end of the day, if we had to come to a conclusion, we would have to go with camera problems.

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