Latest Chrome Update Adds Data Saver Extension For PC, Huge Speed Boost For iOS

Google starts 2016 right by rolling out version 48 for Chrome, along with the new Data Saver extension and version 48.0.2564.87 for the iOS with a considerable speed improvement and reduced crash rate.

The Chrome browser has several extensions available, and the Data Saver fits right in among the hodgepodge of apps at the Chrome Web Store. It's worth mentioning that the update marks the data-saving software's transition from beta to the consumer-ready version.

Data Saver Extension

The Data Saver extension's name is pretty straightforward: it saves data. Using the very same compression technology as the Data Saver mode on the Android version of Chrome, it's an effective app that cuts down and manages the bandwidth usage on metered connections. Google notes that it's particularly useful when connected to a "spotty public Wi-Fi."

"[Data Saver mode in Chrome for Android] saves up to 100 Terabytes of data a day - enough data to store the complete works of Shakespeare, 10 million times!" Google boasts.

Over at the Details section, users will be able to get information regarding how much data they've saved and see which websites are eating up the most data.

iOS Speed Boost

iPhone and iPad owners who use Chrome for iOS to browse online will be delighted to know that the app's speed and stability just reached an all-time high because the browser now takes advantage of Apple's WKWebView.

"In Chrome 48 we've made the switch from UIWebView to WKWebView, leading to dramatic improvements in stability, speed, responsiveness and Web compatibility," Google says.

Based on the company's testing, the new version has reduced the crash rate by 70 percent and greatly boosted the speed of running JavaScript.

Aside from the performance improvement, the update came with a couple of new features, including redesigned icons on the New Tab page and Spotlight integration.

Chrome OS Updates

As for the changes on the Chrome OS, it got new download notifications, a nifty-looking Material Design Video Player and various security fixes here and there.

As a download starts, it will now pop up on the lower-right side of the screen, which will be safely tucked under the notification center after a while.

Meanwhile, the Material Design Video Player looks a lot like the video player found in the Android version of Chrome, featuring the same basic play and pause button, volume controls, seek bar and full-screen option. Nothing new here, but it sure looks great, though.

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