Need Help Dieting? Here's What The NutriRay3D Project Has In Mind

The new NutriRay3D is a revolutionary device designed to capture 3D laser images of food and gather its nutritional information in real time.

With this information on hand, people will be able to end the guesswork on just how many food calories they are getting, allowing them to make smarter decisions that would help them succeed in their diet program.

NutriRay3D aims to track users' diet by scanning their meals and providing a summary of the nutritional facts of the meal. It's yet to become an actual product, but the project holds promise.

Using the NutriRay3D is pretty much reminiscent of how some people take photos of the food they're about to eat and then upload the image on their social media account. While some find this habit rather annoying and a subtle display of bragging brouhaha, things may start shaping up more positively with the NutriRay3D.

Not only will the NutriRay3D allow people to scan and process the image of their food, it will also be able to accurately calculate the volume and calorie content. Just snap a photo of your plate and get an instant calorie count.

NutriRay3D caters to anyone who is keen on tracking their nutrition through the food that they eat. While it is true that a number of calorie tracking apps and traditional tracking devices have flooded the market, there is no denying that they still have shortcomings.

According to the team behind the project, NutriRay3D is suitable for everyone ranging from nutritionals to scientists, athletes, hym enthusiasts, or parents keeping an eye on their kids' diet.

Users will also be able to bring the NutriRay3D scanning device wherever they want to, since it is highly portable. The team behind the technology plans to expand the product to all types of mobile devices in the near future. These include Windows, iOS and Android.

The device's prototype version is reportedly complete and in a full functioning state. Device testing and engineering validation testing of the prototype were also accomplished.

The NutriRay3D sought funds on Indiegogo and has reportedly earned $2,376 out of the fixed goal of $50,000.

The Indiegogo campaign was recently available online, but it seems to have hit a bump somewhere down the road since the site now appears to be in a draft mode for the time being.

We reached out to the company and received an email statement from Sep Makhsous, electrical engineering doctoral student at the University of Washington, who worked on the project.

"Unfortunately, due to a legal matter with the University of Washington, we had to temporarily shut down our Indiegogo campaign," reads the emailed statement we received.

The technology is still in place, however, and we'll provide an update when or if the Indiegogo campaign goes live again.

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