Ride the 'Game of Thrones' subway!

So where is Casterly Rock castle and the Lannister lands again?

If the medieval lands of Westeros, created by George R. R. Martin, confuse you, whether you are a fan of HBO's "Game of Thrones" show or of Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" books, perhaps a well-designed map will help you?

A graphic designer named Michael Tyznik has made a series of maps inspired by actual subway maps. There is one of the Westeros continent and its seven kingdom, a bigger-picture map of that world and relevant legends explaining it all.

"Inspired by the work of Cameron Booth and his awesome Transit Maps Tumblr, I created these rail maps of Westeros and The Known World. Hopefully fans will notice some small touches -- the closed stations along the Wall Line, for example."

Tyznik is selling prints on inPRNT, but also posted the images to Flickr.

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