Google Maps takes you to Mars, the moon and Tardis

Although Google Maps is handy for finding your way around Earth and helping you get from Point A to Point B, it also recently added a new feature that lets you explore Mars and the moon.

Search engine Google added the feature in honor of the Mars Curiosity rover's landing anniversary this week. Curiosity landed on the surface of the red planet two years ago and has been roaming it ever since.

To access the Mars and moon exploration feature in Google Maps, visit the Google Maps site (note: this only works with the new version of Google Maps) and click on the thumbnail image in the bottom left of the screen that says "Earth." Then zoom out as many times as you can, by clicking on the "-" symbol on the right.

When you've zoomed out far enough, you will see a bottom frame that shows three images: Earth, moon and Mars. If you zoom out all the way and still don't see those images, play around with the Earth symbol in the frame above until they appear. Click on the image of the moon or Mars for the exploration mode.

The detailed maps of both the moon and Mars allow you to zoom in and out for viewing various areas. You can even spin them around and choose your exploration point. The maps also include labels for many topographical features.

If you get bored of exploring outer space, though, Google still has other Maps features you might enjoy. You can get a peek inside the Doctor's TARDIS from "Doctor Who" by accessing this link and clicking on the blue police box in the image displayed. You can also use Google Maps' Earth view to locate all of America's missile silo sites. You can even find Nemo by searching for the coordinates 48 52.6′S 123 23.6′W in Earth view.

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