Got a new Android smartphone for Christmas? Looking to burn off all those extra calories gained during the holiday season?
If you answered yes to both questions then we have the perfect solution for you – fitness apps for Android that will keep you healthy and in shape.
Let's check out some great fitness apps for Android smartphones that will act as a handy companion to help you knock off the extra kilos!
If losing weight is top on your list, then the Calorie Counter from MyFitnessPal is the go-to app for the purpose. The app lets users scan the barcodes on any food product or enter their meal details to receive the exact calorie count the food has.
App users will get not only the calorie count details, but also information on how to maintain or reduce the calories to fuel weight loss. Moreover, users can connect the app to other fitness apps such a JawBone UP, FitBit, Garmin and more.
The app also creates a personalized diet chart and exercise regimen for you. The developers claim that nearly 88 percent of the people who use the app to track their diet for a week or more ended up losing weight.
BodySpace is a great app for fitness enthusiasts. The workouts have been designed by athletes and professional trainers and offers a plethora of regimens depending on one's age, gender, fitness level and goal.
With BodySpace, one can see videos of workouts and read guides which instruct one on how to exercise. Users can go to the BodySpace community and share tips and experiences. The app also allows one to track his or her progress and share it on social media.