Proposed federal law will legalize certain marijuana strains including oil for epilepsy

A new bill has been proposed in the House of Representatives that may legalize certain marijuana strains including oil for the treatment of epilepsy.

The proposed bill is called [pdf] the "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014," which is named after a seven-year old Colorado girl called Charlotte Figi suffering from a rare epilepsy form, Dravet syndrome. Charlotte's parents were successful in treating her unbearable seizures with "cannabidiol" or CBD, which is a non-psychoactive compound found in marijuana and used for medical resolutions.

The Federal Bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Scott Perry who says that CBD should not be considered a controlled substance.

"This bill in no way changes my stance on marijuana -- I still disagree with the recreational use of marijuana," says Perry. "However, these children and individuals like them deserve a chance to lead a healthy and productive life and our government shouldn't stand in the way."

CBD research or limited medical use has been legalized in 11 states in the U.S., which has led to the introduction of the bill. However, the law states that all forms of marijuana are illegal. People who use, grow or sell marijuana for medical use, even in states where marijuana for medical use is legal, can face federal charges.

Families of many patients suffering from epilepsy, who have run out of medical options move to Colorado for treatment. However, Perry says that no one should come across a choice to move to Colorado to get their children treated for epilepsy. Thousands of people suffer from epilepsy and Perry, as well as medical advocates, believes that the bill should get a lot of support.

Charlotte's parents and healthcare professionals say that she suffered from agonizing epileptic seizures. However, after the first dosage of medical marijuana at the age of five years she experienced reduced seizures. Reduction in seizure means a better quality of life and also allows children to learn and retain information better.

Media attention given to the treatment increased the demand for products high in CBD, which can be used to treat epilepsy in children.

Even though medical marijuana is considered a treatment for people suffering from epilepsy, some experts believe that there is inadequate medical confirmation to come to conclusion about their effectiveness and safety.

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