Here's Why The Netflix Versions Of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage And Daredevil Won't Show Up In 'LEGO Marvel's Avengers'

After watching our favorite superheroes in action in the new video game footage released earlier this week, we could not be more excited for the release of LEGO Marvel's Avengers.

The game allows players to enter into Marvel's expansive cinematic universe, as it takes parts from both Avengers movies, including Age of Ultron, along with aspects from Captain America: First Avenger, Winter Solider and Thor: The Dark World.

Starring LEGO versions of Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America and Black Widow, the game also features 100 heroes and villains that make appearances.

If you recently locked yourself inside for a serious binge session of Jessica Jones, you will be pleased to know that the female superhero, along with her love interest (who is also getting his own Netflix original series), Luke Cage, will also be featured in the game.

Don't worry, we haven't turned a blind eye on you, either, Daredevil. The Marvel superhero is also among the characters that pop up in the game.

It seems like a no-brainer that the video game will feature Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil after their rising popularity thanks to Netflix. Just don't expect to see the Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter and Charlie Cox versions become LEGO-fied.

Because of the violence and overall mature tones of the Netflix series, these three heroes are not designed after their popular TV characters. Instead, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil reflect the styles and design of their comic book origins in the new LEGO video game.

"It's just a step too far for us to take that man in the black mask, Daredevil, who's hanging people off buildings and things like that. It's just a step too far for a LEGO game," assistant game director Stephen Sharples told IGN.

Sharples explained the same is the case for Jones. Instead of getting the Ritter treatment, the character will go back to her roots to be based off Jones' superhero alter-ego Jewel. While her name will still remain Jessica Jones, the LEGO character will feature the costume — and purple hair — of the comic book heroine.

It's safe to say that Jones' aggressive and alcohol behavior is not exactly suitable for the LEGO audience.

"With things like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and even Luke Cage, who I know pops up in that show, he pops up in the game too but takes the form — he's actually got a LEGO minifig; it's his Powerman design," Sharples added. "So if yeah, if something like that comes [a]round, it's just too violent then we always revert to the classic comic book version."

On the plus side, showing homage to these superheroes' origins will probably be enjoyable for comic fans. Either way, we can't wait to see these characters enter the LEGO universe.

LEGO Marvel's Avengers will be released Jan. 26, 2016 in the U.S. for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS and Windows.

Source: IGN

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