Cartman And His Mom Argue Over Bedtime While Armed In 'South Park' Season 19 Finale That Focuses On Gun Control

Season 19 of South Park plans to go out with a bang by discussing the most hot button topic in America right now — gun control.

While this season has touched upon many of the social issues we are facing today — such as police brutality, Caitlin Jenner's transition, Deflategate and poor journalism — it should come to no surprise that the creators are taking this topic head-on in next week's finale.

Titled "PC Principal Final Justice," South Park's residents will bear arms in order to feel better protected. Using comedy to explore the issue of gun control, the episode will either take the stance that there must be tougher laws to prevent the tragic mass shootings that are occurring too frequently, or that we need to be able to access guns in order to protect ourselves. Regardless of how they explore this topic, we bet it will stir up some controversy.

Since this is South Park we are talking about, we bet things will somehow go wrong in order for the characters to make their point.

In a promo clip for the finale, titled "Go Up to Bed!" Cartman and his mom have an argument over bedtime. Liane Cartman begins to fight with Eric since he refuses to turn off his movie and go to sleep.

Cartman then pulls out a gun, aiming at his poor mother in an attempt to get his way. However, don't feel too bad for Ms. Cartman, because she whips out her own weapon as their screaming match continues.

The official episode synopsis is as follows:

The citizens of South Park feel safer when armed in the 19th season finale.

The gentrification of South Park is pricing Randy right out of town. Meanwhile, Kyle's distrust of Stan has broken their friendship and thrown Kyle into a dangerous alliance.

The season 19 finale of South Park airs on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 10:00 p.m. EST on Comedy Central. Watch the "Go Up to Bed!" clip below.

Source: South Park Blog

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