The first of December has been commemorated as a day of raising awareness about AIDS and HIV since 1988, augmenting efforts to address the disease after the virus was identified in 1984.
Advances have been made to control the disease. However the expensive cocktail of drugs needed is mostly only available for the wealthy, and to date, over 34 million people all over the world have died from pandemic. World AIDS Day serves as a reminder each year that AIDS is still very much a problem, and a cure or vaccine has yet to be developed. Many took to social media to show their support with red ribbons, red filters, volunteering at AIDS and HIV awareness events, and so much more on Dec. 1.
Here is a virtual tour of how thousands stood up around the world to help paint the world red for World AIDS Day.
@mileycyrus e @isthatjessiej #WorldAIDSDay #mtvstarsmileycyrus
A photo posted by Smiley Smiler W.o.r.l.d (@hope.miley) on Dec 2, 2015 at 3:45pm PST
Today is World AIDS Day and let's not forget we still have a lot of work to do #WorldAIDSDay — Naomi Campbell (@NaomiCampbell) December 1, 2015
A photo posted by CNN (@cnn) on Dec 1, 2015 at 10:24am PST
NEWS: On #WorldAIDSDay, Sanders Demands Affordable Drugs: — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 1, 2015
A photo posted by Cantonese in New York. (@sannn_33) on Dec 2, 2015 at 5:14pm PST
#WORLDAIDSDAY promotion @ipsforg #unaids #IPSFaware #Aids World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV and #FPSA has participated in these awareness. And coming soon as part of this AIDS campaign will be the national Sudanese awareness day which will be held on 10/12/2015 Public health coordinator :Twasoul Mohamed A photo posted by FPSA.SUDAN(@fpsa_sudan) on Dec 2, 2015 at 1:56pm PST
A photo posted by HMKM Strada (@hmjikmstrada) on Dec 1, 2015 at 6:46am PST
En AID FOR AIDS, todos los días es el Dia Mundial de la repuesta ante el VIH. Nuestra voluntad y compromiso sincero nos permitirán avanzar juntos a un mundo libre de VIH. Envía VIDA al 41010, dona $10 y ayúdanos a salvas más vidas. #WorldAIDSDay #AIDSAwarenessMonth A photo posted by AID FOR AIDS (@aidforaids) on Dec 2, 2015 at 4:43pm PST
#WorldAIDSDay #latergram #barcelonainspira #sagradafamilia #hospitalsantpau
A photo posted by sara (@searmas) on Dec 2, 2015 at 1:47pm PST
December 1st #WorldAIDSDay #FightAgainstAIDS #LatePost A photo posted by @xicalicious on Dec 2, 2015 at 2:30pm PST