PornHub Gets 10 Percent Traffic Dip The Day ‘Fallout 4’ Launched

Just a couple of days after the Nov. 10 launch of Fallout 4, it appears that the video game has already taken up much of the gamers' time and prevented them from indulging in other habits — such as watching a PornHub video.

Popular adult video website PornHub has disclosed in a blog post that its traffic drastically dropped 10 percent the day Fallout 4 premiered.

"Starting at 5 a.m. traffic began to drop, down as much as 10 percent from 7 a.m. till noon," reads the post PornHub shared on Nov. 12.

The website's traffic continued to decrease until 3 p.m. After 6 p.m., it looked like the traffic dropped once more (the assumption is gamers started firing up their games right at that moment). Traffic only came back up at late night, leaping all the way to 15 percent.

PornHub vice president Corey Price stated that based on data they obtained, it seemed like an enormous surge of people chose to take pleasure in some wasteland wandering.

“We can’t say we’re too surprised with what happened to our traffic during peak gaming hours,” said Price.

In the meantime, it appears that Bethesda has notched an additional success. Sales data revealed by Bethesda on Nov. 13 showed that it has, at this point, been able to dispatch an impressive 12 million copies of the video game.

On top of that, digital distribution platform Steam affirmed that the newest title of the Fallout series is regarded as among the most played PC games ever. It has been said that over 400,000 gamers play in unison at its peak.

PornHub also looked at Google's affinity data and it found out that on Nov. 10, the biggest decline in traffic came from Sports Games Fans (-13.7 percent). Action Gamers (-7.7 percent) got the second spot then Adventure and Strategy Gamers (-7.2 percent) came next. Additionally, it is interesting to point out that the smallest daily decrease at that time came from Shooter Game Fans (-1.2 percent).

Additionally, PornHub said that as big fans of Fallout 4, it could not say it blames anyone "for swapping PornHub time for some Pip-Poy surfing instead."

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