'Destiny' Is Getting A Refer-A-Friend Program

Bungie's Destiny is all about playing with others. Playing the game alone simply isn't much fun, and that's not even taking into account that solo players are unable to fully experience much of what the game offers.

From the get-go, Bungie has encouraged playing with friends, and now, it looks like they will be encouraging it even more with the introduction of a new Refer-a-Friend program. The developer announced the program as part of the Bungie Weekly Update, saying that savvy gamers may find some clues about the program hidden within the November update for Destiny once it launches next week.

"We're planning something new to recognize and reward the Sherpas among you," the update reads. "We are calling it Refer-a-Friend. Maybe you have a friend who will be getting Destiny as a gift this season. Perhaps their gift-giver will even be picking it up for them at a holiday sale coming to a store near you. If you intend to show them the way to the mountaintop, we'll have new rewards aimed at recognizing your service to the Kinderguardian."

Bungie goes on to say that the team is still putting the finishing touches on the program and to expect more details soon. As for Destiny's Nov. update, Bungie is giving players a few ideas of what to expect next week when it rolls out. Players will be able to purchase weapon parts from the Gunsmith, and Lord Shaxx will start selling the three elemental legendary swords (that is, if you've completed the quest to obtain the exotic sword).

A bug for Nightstalker Hunters that led to them dominating Crucible several weeks back has finally been fixed, which is good news considering Bungie has announced that the Iron Banner PvP event will be returning next week.

You can read more over on Bungie's site. Expect detailed patch notes and more details on the Refer-a-Friend program next week.

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