Canada's Prime Minister Selects Women To Represent Exactly Half His Cabinet 'Because It's 2015'

First he made the international headlines when he was declared Canada's Prime Minister. Now Justin Trudeau is winning the internet again when he unveiled the members of his new cabinet - made up of a mix of minorities as well as notably being comprised of 50 percent women.

When asked by a reporter on why he chose to seat women to represent half of his cabinet, PM Trudeau simply had a one-liner that will go down in history: "Because it's 2015."

Even notable feminist celebrity, Emma Watson, gave the Canadian politician her seal of approval for his gender balanced government as well as his response.

And although he initially made the headlines for being quite the looker, the feminist website Jezebel declared that "the sexiest thing about Justin Trudeau is his cabinet's gender parity."

Observers have noted that although many politicians in the past have promised gender parity in government in the campaign trails, this is the first time that a world leader has actually delivered on that promise.

According to reports, many of the women that Trudeau hand-picked to serve on his cabinet are first timers in the political arena, their resumes and experience in their positions are notable on their own.

The newly appointed Democaratic Institutions Minister, 30-year-old Maryam Monsef, first came to Canada as a refugee from Afghanistan. She declared that the individuals who were chosen to represent the new government is a reflection of Canada's diverse population.

"The more diverse your organization, your board, or, in this case, cabinet, the more it reflects the realities of the population we are serving, and that can only be a good thing," she said.

As if to follow the patriotic theme Trudeau declared when he won the elections, by saying "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian," the new Prime Minister said that he wanted his cabinet to reflect the Canadian multi-cultural reality, which is a turnaround from the previous Stephen Harper government.

Observers have noted that Harper tried to turn Canada into a more conservative society, even running his campaign largely on the issue of disallowing Muslim women and new Canadian citizens from wearing a niqab during citizenship ceremonies.

Reports say that Trudeau is very pleased to "present to Canada a cabinet that looks like Canada."

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