Google brings the iOS version of Google Maps current by adding in voice warnings that'll vocalize threats, namely traffic congestion, that could harm a motorist's travel time.
Google rolled out voice alerts on the Android version of its popular mapping app back in May. Now iOS users can get a word of warning from the app before they head out and they'll receive voice alerts en route, alerting them to any accidents or construction or any other hindrance that could set their travel time back and land them in traffic that's backed up.
Google introduced the voice alerts ahead of last Memorial Day weekend, touting Google Maps' ability to help drivers find the fastest route and giving them warning when things along that path turn sour.
"While you're on the road, Google Maps will give you a heads up if congestion lies ahead, and how long you'll be stuck in a jam," said Google when it introduced the feature back in May. "You'll also get the option to take alternate routes, including explanations for why one is recommended-whether it's the fastest or avoids an incident."
Less. Traffic. New #GoogleMaps traffic alerts now helps iPhone users find the best route.
— Google Maps (@googlemaps) November 5, 2015
The update to the iOS version of Google Maps comes just a few weeks after Google updated another one of its Apple apps, and its also a mapping program: Waze, the crowd-sourcing mapping app the search engine company acquired about two years ago.
The update brought a cleaner look to the Waze app, along with several other key improvements. Google reduced the app's battery consumption and streamlined the number of taps it takes to get started with Waze.
It also streamlined the ETA panel, putting everything up front, and enabling users to check reports, view alternate routes, plug in waypoint and send ETA data to friends and family.
"The new map is easier to read with a cleaner look catered to your drive," reads the app's description. "It's easier to help others on the road with a faster, more visual reporting menu. Reports and alerts are color-coded so you can instantly recognize them on the map. Smart reminders to leave on time for your Calendar events based on traffic conditions and drive times."