Slack Update Allows Users To Request Car Service, View Lunch Recommendations And Check Weather

Let's face the facts — many of us spend more time at work than we do with our own families.

With an increasing amount of companies using Slack as their main form of workplace communication, the social messaging app is doing what it can to make employees' overall experience more fulfilling.

On Tuesday, Slack announced its new updated service, "Slash Commands", which will allow users to do everything from requesting car service to viewing lunch suggestions and checking the weather. The added features are powered by partnerships that Slack reached with Lyft, Foursquare and Poncho.

Utilizing Slash Commands figures is as easy as can be with users simply typing "/foursquare" to get three recommendations for lunch in the area.

If your office doesn't have any windows or you're not seated near any, type "/poncho" and your zip code into Slack and you'll be hit with current weather conditions. That way, you'll know whether to carry your office umbrella for the commute home.

To request a ride home after a long day of work, users can type "/lyft gohome."

Easy enough. Slack will integrate Lyft into its platform as a topline feature, and the ride-request service couldn't be more excited by the partnership.

"We've partnered with Slack to make getting a ride easier than ever, so you can spend more time on what matters. Just type a few commands into Slack, and your ride is on its way," Lyft writes on its website. "Heading to an off-site meeting or just rallying the crew for a team happy hour? Use the /lyft commands to request a ride. You can also use commands to get updates on your driver's ETA, estimate trip cost, or set default home or work addresses."

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