Kickstarter Campaign For 'Dragon's Lair' Movie Now Ready For Backers

Get your swords ready because after waiting for decades, Dragon's Lair may finally be heading towards the silver screen at last!

The campaign, which still has 28 days left to go to reach its goal of $550,000. The fate of the movie, based on the 80's arcade game, is now put squarely in the hands of the fans who want to see it made.

The Kickstarter campaign video even shows a clever little skit starring Gary Goldman and Don Bluth themselves explaining why they never got around turning the beloved arcade game into a movie.

They always wanted to, Goldman revealed, but when Don Bluth got called to work in theatre, their animation work had to be put on the back burner.

On his end, Bluth thought that no one would care about a game made 30 years ago. But oh, boy is he wrong. Even if the movie would cost the estimated $70 million to get it off the ground, actor Don Crosby is sure that the “zillion” of Dragon's Lair fans across the generations would jump at the chance to back it on Kickstarter.

Starting with initial seeds of funds from the cast of Bluth's production of "The Wizard of Oz," the video goes on to show just how much the "Dragon's Lair" movie must be made. Even the Wicked Witch pauses her melodramatic melting scene to contribute a hundred bucks to the cause.

Finally, Bluth was convinced by his old partner Goldman, after being shown a sampling of the hundreds of videos, emails and tweets from fans of all ages around the world clamoring to watch a "Dragon's Lair" movie on the big screen.

The Kickstarter campaign in aiming to raise $550,000 dollars for the production team to make a 10-minute teaser for the movie, which will then be pitched to studios to pick up. It's up to the fans now, both Goldman and Bluth say. If the demand for a "Dragon's Lair" movie is really that high, then only the fans can get it going.

Check out the Dragon's Lair Kickstarter campaign page for full details on the pledge levels and rewards for each tier and more information on why Goldman and Bluth need the fans help to make Dragon's Lair into the best movie it can be.

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