Lime, a leading provider of shared electric vehicles, has introduced two new models designed to cater to a wider range of riders. The LimeGlider and LimeBike feature innovative designs that prioritize comfort, accessibility, and ease of use. Particularly, the new models target women and older riders.

LimeGlider: A Pedal-Free Electric Ride

(Photo : Lime)
For North American riders who love riding electric bikes and scooters, Lime surprisingly released two variants that will give comfort and convenience to women and older riders.

The first model, the LimeGlider is a unique electric vehicle that blends elements of a bike and a scooter. It boasts a distinctive pedal-free design, allowing riders to glide effortlessly through urban environments. The step-through frame and lower center of gravity make it particularly appealing to riders with varying heights and physical abilities.

According to Electrek's report, Lime has incorporated valuable feedback from women and older riders into the LimeGlider's design. The wider tires and comfortable seating provide a smoother and more stable ride, while the larger basket accommodates shopping needs.

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LimeBike: A Versatile Electric Bicycle

The LimeBike offers a more traditional bicycle experience while incorporating key design elements from the LimeGlider. Featuring both a throttle and pedal assist, the LimeBike caters to riders who prefer a combination of human power and electric propulsion.

Similar to the LimeGlider, the LimeBike prioritizes accessibility with a step-through frame and adjustable seat. The wider tires and ergonomic grips enhance rider comfort and control.

"These improvements cater to feedback from groups traditionally underrepresented in Lime's active riders, including women and older riders," the company added.

A Focus on Inclusivity

Both the LimeGlider and LimeBike reflect Lime's commitment to creating inclusive transportation options. By considering the needs of women and older riders, the company has developed vehicles that are easier to use and more enjoyable for a broader audience.

The introduction of these new models marks a significant step forward in the evolution of shared electric vehicles. Lime's dedication to user-centric design is evident in the thoughtful features and improvements incorporated into the LimeGlider and LimeBike.

As for Wayne Ting, Lime CEO, the whole organization was thrilled to bring the two new vehicles into action. With them, people get to see a glimpse at the "future of micromobility." He added that it's part of their mission to introduce a more affordable means of transportation that is shared and carbon-free.

With these new Lime bikes and scooters, exploring the streets will not only be a memorable adventure for women and older people. They are simply here to give unmatched comfort and convenience while effortlessly giving them freedom on the road.

Speaking of e-bikes, drone maker DJI made a shocking announcement when it confirmed that it would enter the e-bike industry with the new Avinox e-bike teaser. At the time, only a little information was disclosed about the product. We have yet to see what it will offer for the future customers.

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