Threads: Search Gets ‘Recent’ Results for the Latest Buzz on a Topic—Here's How to Use It

Meta is looking to catch up to its rivals with Threads, its youngest social media app. Threads now offers improved Search capabilities, including the "Recent" results option.

Through this, users may request the most recent posts or conversations on the app to appear from what they are looking for on social media, making it easier to look for timely content.

Back then, Threads relied on its algorithm to deliver the top results from its worldwide users to Search, similar to the previous feed, but now, it is in chronological order.

Threads Search: 'Recent' Results Now Appearing

Julio Lopez from Unsplash

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri shared via the platform that Threads is getting a new feature today, and it is the Search's Recent Results option to appear whenever a user looks for something.

This new 'Recents' tab would hold all of a search's results categorized in chronological order, with the most timely post appearing on top and later ones to follow.

This is different from the solo search results on Threads before, as it only offers the algorithmically determined top posts, mainly the ones with the most engagements.

Mosseri further explained that while this is based on its recency, Threads' algorithm will still evaluate the posts that users will see.

Get The Latest Posts, Not By Algorithm

Instead of getting results from Threads that the platform pre-determined for the user, it will offer the latest posts from different social media users.

This means that despite not having that many engagements, as long as users look for them via the Recents tab, they will see the fresh ones instead of the results gathered by the platform's algorithm.

Threads and Its New Features

People enjoy social media, but since it has been around for a long time, newcomers have to bring their A-game to rival those at the top, something Meta is doing for Threads now.

Various features are being added to Threads occasionally, with one of the most recent being the 'Topics' feature that categorizes certain trending posts into one.

While we are at topics, Meta also brought the 'Searchable Topics' to Threads last year, and this is a feature that provides a hyperlink to a certain keyword that is clickable and leads to the conversation.

It is also similar to X/Twitter's hashtags, as on Threads, users need to key in the octothorpe (#) symbol, but it would not appear when it is posted.

With Threads now one of the top apps in the world and Meta already boasting a 150 million daily active user count, more features are flooding in for users to enjoy.

This latest announcement from Meta and Adam Mosseri makes the 'Recent' results available for every search done by a user, with more relevant and timely content available.

Tech Times