Supercut for Vision Pro Enhances Netflix, Amazon Prime Video Streaming Experience—How?

Instead of suffering from Netflix's web experience on the Apple Vision Pro, a developer, Christian Privitelli, has introduced a new app called 'Supercut,' which enhances video streaming for two platforms.

This centers on Netflix, best known for its stand against creating a dedicated visionOS app, and Prime Video, which helps enhance its dedicated iPad app port.

Through this new app, the web streaming experience from these devices would be enhanced so that the correct aspect ratio would appear, along with the elimination of black bars and more.

Supercut App on Vision Pro Enhances Netflix, Prime Video

Privitelli announced to the world that its new visionOS app, Supercut, is now available for everyone to utilize and take advantage of, poising itself as the new 'Streaming Hub' for the Vision Pro wearable.

Through Supercut, users who are watching Netflix on the Web and Amazon Prime Video on its app would get a significantly enhanced experience.

For its platform browsing experience, it offers a glossy background and makes it easier for the eyes.

On the other hand, streaming from compatible platforms is offered in the correct aspect ratio of the media, removing the black bars on the window and dimming the surroundings for an immersive experience.

It also offers 'intuitive playback controls,' including settings adjustments for the stream like adding subtitles, pause and play controls, skipping to 10 seconds before or ahead of the clip, and more.

Privitelli also claimed that it supports 4K titles, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, being the only app on the visionOS to do so.

Supercut Promises Cinema Experience for visionOS Web Streaming

However, it does not stop there, as Privitelli also teased a new Supercut experience coming in the future, and this would be the 'Cinema environment' feature where one would feel they are watching it in theaters.

The blacked-out experience and the more immersive feels would come soon, and it is said to be 95 percent close to what Apple offers for Apple TV's streaming.

Supercut is available for a $7.99 one-time purchase on the visionOS App Store.

Apple Vision Pro Streaming: Dedicated Apps and Snubs

When Apple released the Vision Pro, one of the top promises of the new mixed-reality wearable headset was to bring an immersive experience for the user in all available apps or features inside it.

This, of course, made a massive focus on streaming, but despite the arrival of dedicated apps from the likes of Disney+, Max, Prime Video, and more, there were holdouts.

Initially, three globally-leading platforms snubbed Apple's invitation to create dedicated apps for the visionOS, claiming that those who want to use it on the Vision Pro should resort to the web.

This included Netflix, the pioneer of the holdout, followed by Spotify (best known for its issue with Apple on antitrust and the EU DMA), and lastly, YouTube (but recently confirmed that a dedicated app is on the way).

That being said, Apple's immersive experience centered more on its apps, specifically tailored for the visionOS and what it offers the public.

However, this does not mean developers are not allowed to create this immersive feature for the platform. Supercut paves the way for further enhancement of Netflix's web and Prime Video app for viewers' pleasure.