Bitcoin versus Central Bank Digital Currency — What's the Difference?

Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Satoshi Nakamoto, the group or individual behind Bitcoin, created it as a decentralized peer-to-peer payment system without a central authority. Computers, nodes, or miners generate new coins that enter the network every four years. Bitcoin's protocol or mechanism regulates its production and distribution. It limits the total number of Bitcoins that can ever exist to 21 million coins. So, if you are interested in connecting with people with investment educational institutions, you may visit Immediate Altcoin.

Central bank digital currency is virtual or electronic money that a country's central bank issues to its citizens. It enables a country's central bank to give citizens the nation's currency digitally. Examples of CBDCs include the European Central Bank digital euro project and China's Digital Yuan.

How Bitcoin Differs from Central Bank Digital Currencies

Many people prefer Bitcoin due to its decentralization, which makes it impossible for a single entity like a central bank or government to control or manipulate. Instead of central banks issuing Bitcoins, people mine them using robust computers. Alternatively, they purchase them via crypto exchanges.


Decentralization creates a censorship-resistant system for Bitcoin. That means no single entity can regulate this digital currency. Instead, supply and demand are the primary market forces that control Bitcoin. Also, its protocol limits Bitcoin supply to 21 million coins. And this influences its value, especially before and after every halving event. CBDCs are centralized virtual currencies whose supply and value fluctuate depending on the policies of the issuing central bank. Thus, CBDCs are vulnerable to a single entity's control.


Bitcoin's decentralization makes it a borderless digital currency. That means anybody can access and use it regardless of location or the amount they need to spend. Provided you have an internet connection via your smartphone or computer, you can access Bitcoin and use it for regular transactions. On the other hand, only citizens of a country that issues a central bank digital currency can use it.

Privacy and Security

Bitcoin uses the blockchain ledger and cryptography to secure transactions. Its distributed network makes it resistant to fraud and hacking. This cryptocurrency provides a higher privacy level since you remain pseudonymous when transacting with Bitcoin. However, the central bank's competency influences a CBDC's security measures. Also, you are subject to compliance measures and regulatory oversight when transacting with CBDC. And this can lower your privacy. Moreover, CBDCs use a permission system that requires authorization to use. Bitcoin is a permissionless system, so you don't need anybody's approval to access and spend your Bitcoins.

Inflation Protection

Bitcoin's protocol limits its maximum supply to 21 million coins. This limit protects the cryptocurrency from inflation. Therefore, you can use Bitcoin to hedge against inflation or to store value. However, CBDCs are subject to the issuing central bank's monetary policies. And these often involve inflationary measures, such as increasing its supply.

Censorship Resistance

Bitcoin's distributed network makes censoring or attacking it challenging. This network comprises nodes in various places worldwide. Therefore, even if somebody attempts to bring it down, the Bitcoin network will run because other nodes have copies of the same ledger. Moreover, miners must confirm every transaction, which becomes irreversible once they add it to the blockchain. Many people prefer Bitcoin because it guarantees reliable and safe transactions.

However, central banks control CBDCs. Therefore, they can mess with or stop them. Their centralization makes them vulnerable to disruptions and censorship.

Final Word

Bitcoin's popularity is due to its unique properties. It differs from CBDCs because no single entity issues or regulates it. However, some people prefer CBDCs due to regulatory compliance and stability. Others prefer Bitcoin because it allows them greater freedom and access to their funds.