Meet Codeword's AI Interns: Aiko and Aiden—A World's First in the Workplace

Artificial intelligence is getting significant roles in different companies, and last January, there was an initiative by Codeword to try a new experience. It is by hiring AI interns for its workforce. These two AI interns are named Aiko and Aiden, with the program and software-based workers joining its staff in their day-to-day operations as a tech marketing company.

Codeword claims it is the first to do this in the world, and while other companies are looking into hiring human interns, it taps on technology to lend them a hand.

Codeword: Meet the New AI Interns Aiko and Aiden

Codeword Blog Post

A blog post from Codeword's Kyle Monson, co-founder of the digital marketing firm, introduced to the world their latest intern hires to the company, and it takes a turn towards the future. The company claimed that this move was a "world's first," with their roles starting last January 11.

Monson said that they had developed AIs to testing whether it should be a part of their staff, and employing these programs is cheaper and more efficient than human hires.

The duo of interns, Aiko and Aiden, are part of the company's "Winter 2023 Internship Class." One of their earliest assignments was to choose their names and design their looks.

The company's press release aims to see how human-AI collaborations would work with this experiment, hence the internship.

Experimenting with AI to Serve as Workers

Aiko would join the company's design team under Emilio Ramos, Codeword's Senior Art Director, with tasks including editing photos, icon design, and sketching. On the other hand, Aiden would be part of the marketing firm's editorial team under Senior Editor Terrence Doyle.

According to Doyle, these are all experimental, and they are currently looking into ChatGPT's language model and Midjourney AI's art generator for their tasks.

AI for Companies and Management

AI in the world today centers on technology and a deep-learning program that assists people in their daily tasks and lives without necessarily being physically present around humans. Although significant robotic developments utilize artificial intelligence to adapt to situations, most AI is still found in computer systems and software.

There is one significant addition to the workplace by a Hong Kong-based company called NetDragon Websoft, which centers on giving AI full authority to its operations, serving as its CEO. The AI named Ms. Tang Yu already serves as the top officer in NetDragon, and this was a significant leap towards entrusting AI with a massive tech company for its leadership.

Hong Kong may be one of the world's first to appoint AI as its CEO, but others debut their AI models to be part of the workplace in other aspects and also a pioneer in their rights. Codeword hired its new interns in January, and they are to serve under different teams with specific job roles or assignments already carried out by Aiko and Aiden.
