Tile ‘Lost and Found’ QR Stickers Now Available—What is It and How to Use it?

Tile is bringing new technology for all, but this time it is not a tracker, but rather, a QR sticker that one could stick on their devices to ensure the return of their lost items. Tile's new QR labels aim to help provide information enclosed within a sticker and it would have the basic information which a person who found the item needs, instead of accessing tech or the device.

Tile QR Lost and Found Stickers

Tile via Twitter Screenshot

Simply writing your name and contact information on stickers may be an old-school way to label your things, so Tile made a way to enclose this information on new QR stickers for future needs. Misplacing or forgetting one's possessions is a common problem for some, and lost and found stands are not reliable in tracking down the owner as well.

Tile announced that these new lost and found QR stickers will help in disclosing one's information when their lost item is retrieved by an honest passerby, with people only needing to scan the label to know more. Most QR stickers or printouts work like this, with people needing a smartphone connected to the internet to scan it and reveal what is hidden underneath.

The sticker can attach to most surfaces, and users have the freedom to place it on any item they own.

Scan and Find the Owner

Users may input the desired information they want to disclose whenever people scan the QR sticker that they stuck on the items they wish to retrieve when lost. It can be on different items like laptops, water bottles, bags, smartphones, and other surfaces where a sticker would survive.

Instead of finding one's device through Bluetooth trackers, the item would find its owner if a person who found the device would be honest enough to scan the QR and use the information to try to reach its rightful owner.

Tile's Offers for All

Tile brought the world one of the earliest take on Bluetooth trackers that one could place on their non-technology devices that would add a layer of security among one's possessions. It can also help people find lost items that they mostly forget, and the company has been offering this device for all since 2014 when the items first debuted.

Since then, Tile grew into a massive company with many offers among its trackers, focusing on different shapes and sizes that may be placed in or attached to various possessions.

It is one of the most famous and effective Bluetooth Trackers available in the market, and it is widely available from many retailers in the world. Tile is also a known competitor of the famous Apple AirTags which was recently released last 2020, something which presents the same experience, but only with integration to the Find My app.

This latest Tile product may not have the capabilities of tracking a lost item via Bluetooth and its other features, but it still gives a slight assurance that their items may be returned later on. The QR stickers help in providing information enclosed with its code where users may input their desired information to disclose with the labels.

This article is owned by TechTimes

Written by Isaiah Richard