Best Apple Apps For Self-Care and Healthy Well-Being | Here's Why You Need Them

Self-care is important for people who want to start sticking with healthy habits. When your routine is not aligned with your goals, you might not be productive in a particular task.

Everyone should make time for themselves regardless of circumstances. Taking care of oneself is a key to healthy mental and physical health.

To learn more about how to prioritize your overall well-being, check some of the Apple apps that you can download.

Best Apple Apps to Use for Self-Care

Choosing a path to wellness is a crucial step in attaining a meaningful daily life. Building self-discipline in everything can establish strong self-care for an individual.

According to MakeUseOf, certain apps can help you achieve the self-care that you need for yourself. What's more, is that you can download them straight from your Apple device.


Watching from your iPhone can be a healthy routine, given that the video content is all about life coaching. For this, you can download Remente and take advantage of the useful videos about setting goals and improving yourself.

Remente allows you to be more productive than usual because it offers a to-do list of your positive activities within the day. This serves as your journal for self-care and an effective tool for tracking your mental health, as well.

Ten Percent Happier Meditation

Another Apple app that you can use instantly is Ten Percent. This app is created by Dan Harris who has been sharing his thoughts about the power of meditation with human beings.

Ten Percent is not only an app, but it tackles more than 500 meditation lessons and related content, as well. You can access it with podcasts and reading materials.

You should download this app because it's easy to use and has a lot of comprehensive guides to offer for struggling individuals. This app will give a huge boost to your self-care journey as you progress in life.


Sometimes, all you need is mental therapy to lighten up your mood and mental health. This is the reason why Bloom continues to exist as one of the best self-care apps out there on the iOS platform.

From mood checks to self-care videos, you won't be left behind in using this app. After all, Bloom looks after your mental health so you can decrease your anxiety gradually.


MakeUseOf mentioned that this "award-winning app" boasts more than five million downloads as of press time. This app is often used by elite athletes looking to improve their self-discipline.

Engaging in sports does not only require an individual to have a sound body. If your body is healthy, but your mind isn't, there's something wrong with your well-being.

Fabulous aims to address this issue and gives you only the positive vibes that you need. To download it, click here.

In other news, UKnow listed the top five mental health apps that every student should use.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Joseph Henry

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