'Pokémon GO' Players Can Now Request For New PokéStop and Gym Locations And Removal Of Old Ones

Pokémon GO developer Niantic Labs is now taking requests from players on new locations for PokéStops and Gyms through a form that it has uploaded on the support page for the app.

PokéStops and Gyms play a significant role in the massively popular augmented reality mobile game. Players can attach beacons to PokéStops to attract new Pokémon to catch, while Gyms are the sites of battles between Pokémon GO teams, and can be claimed to boost reputation.

Requests could be made by players who are located nowhere near a PokéStop or Gym, so that they would no longer have to walk a significant distance to get to them.

Conversely, players can also request for the removal of a location as a PokéStop or Gym. While this type of request may not be as popular as requests for new locations, it would be very helpful for people who do not want a swath of Pokémon GO gamers regularly visiting their homes or businesses that were tagged as either a PokéStop or a Gym.

The form on the Pokémon GO support page for the requests is pretty straightforward, requesting for information such as the user's email address, the location of the PokéStop or Gym for addition or removal, and the reason for sending the request. The dropdown box for requests lists five options, namely issues with Gym battles, dangerous PokéStop or Gym, no PokéStops or Gyms near the user, PokéStop or Gym does not exist and PokéStop or Gym on personal property.

Users can also indicate more reasons for the request on a text box provided, along with the exact name, address and longitude/latitude coordinates of the PokéStop or Gym involved or requested.

Requests submitted through the form may prompt a message that states that Niantic is not currently accepting submissions. The developer has confirmed that it is collecting all the requests, however, there is no time frame on when Niantic would begin to add or remove PokéStops and Gyms.

There is a multitude of PokéStops and Gyms in certain parts of the country, but the locations are a bit sparse in rural areas. Pokémon GO players who have an idea on which public places would be ideal PokéStop or Gym locations should take time to fill out the form.

In other news, Niantic said that it is planning to allow retailers and companies to sponsor locations on the virtual map of Pokémon GO, with the advertisements to bring in additional income for the wildly trending app.