Guide To Mastering The Basics Of ‘Pokémon GO’: How To Play The Popular Mobile Game

The Pokémon GO hype shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Staying true to its slogan, mobile gamers across the United States, Australia and New Zealand are stopping at nothing to catch 'em all.

Released a week ago, the augmented reality game is all everyone is talking about. Players are spending every waking — and working — hour playing the game that is available for both iOS and Android.

Regardless if you were a Pokémon fan back in the late '90s or don't know jack about it, it's easy to learn the basics of the game once you get started. The fact of the matter is you don't want to be the only person among your friends (or in the country) who is not playing the game.

It's never too late to get on the bandwagon and join in on all the action — and trust me, downloading the app is so worth it. So here's your guide to how to play Pokémon GO and master the basics.


What Is Pokémon GO?

To understand how to play, gamers must know what exactly they can expect with this title. Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game, meaning it takes aspects of the real world and combines it with the virtual world.

The player, known as a "trainer," is on a quest to collect pocket monsters called Pokémon. The goal of the game is to collect as many different kinds of Pokémon as you can, evolve them to make them stronger and battle them against other trainers' Pokémon.

How It Works

Once you download the free game and sign in using your Gmail account, there will be a short intro the game by Professor Willow and you will have the ability to customize your trainer.

The game uses your smartphone's GPS to provide an in-app map of where you currently are and wherever you go. Since this is a mixed reality game, the player is tasked with physically walking about the real world to catch the creatures.

There are three main features of the game that must be mastered in order to level up and have the strongest Pokémon. These include collecting Pokémon, throwing Poké Balls and competing in gym battles.

Main Feature No. 1: Catching Pokémon

The player starts off with one of three popular Pokémon: Squirtle, Charmander or Bulbasaur. However, there is a hack that allows the player to choose Pikachu as their starting creature.

This first Pokémon will teach the player how to catch the creatures. Tap on the Pokémon to throw what is known as a Poké Ball to trap it and add it to your collection.

There is only a limited amount of Poké Balls given, so make sure to throw with accuracy. To throw a Poké Ball, flick it using your finger. Some creatures are more difficult to catch than others, while extra points are rewarded for throwing good ones. Easy ones can be identified by having a green ring, while red are the most difficult.


The game uses the smartphone camera to bring the Pokémon on the screen in the real world. Just make sure the "AR" switch, located at the top right corner of the screen, is turned on.

The player must then walk around to discover more Pokémon hiding. The types of Pokémon that appear depend on where the player is and what time it is. For example, water-type Pokémon like Squirtle can be found near real-life water sources. When a Pokémon is nearby, the player's smartphone will vibrate.

Catching lots of Pokémon will earn trainers more experience points. These points then make more powerful Pokémon. Tap on the Poké Ball > Pokémon and tap on a creature to power it up or evolve it to make it stronger.

Trainers can also collect eggs in the game, which are then hatched into Pokémon by traveling various and longer distances depending on the type of egg.

Main Feature No. 2: PokéStops

If you have seen random cars parked in the same location or heard the news about people getting robbed at specific locations while playing Pokémon Go, then these are the places known as PokéStops.

PokéStops are identified by the blue box icons that appear on their map. These places include popular landmarks, parks or stores. Walk to the stop and tap on the icon to spin it. Players will be able to gets items like Poké Balls, potions and eggs.

Main Feature No. 3: Gym Battles

Pokémon GO allows players to battle against others in what is known as gyms. These are real-world locations that are easily identified in the map as raised nations with a Pokémon stationed on its platform.

There is a whole separate guide to choosing a team to be part of. Once players choose their team, they can train their Pokémon to earn stardust (which is gained when catching that Pokémon) and coins, or battle against other teams.

When battling, the trainer will want their Pokémon to have high CP, or combat power, to defeat the other trainer. CP can be increased with stardust, candy (which is earned by catching the same Pokémon multiple times) and by winning battles.

The trainer doesn't do much in battle. Tap on the opponent to attract or tap and hold for a special attack. Make sure to move your creature left and right to dodge attacks.

This is the basis of Pokémon GO, and it is actually very simple — and addicting — once you get the hang of it.