Pokémon GO Field Test Now Available In Australia And New Zealand

Pokemon Go's official launch is yet to be announced by Niantic Labs but its beta testing is currently underway to further improve gameplay.

Recently released in Japan for field tests, the next countries that can try the real world Pokémon mobile game are Australia and New Zealand. The game features the combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and augmented reality style-of-gaming to produce a unique and advanced experience for its users.

A while back, a leaked video and photos revealed some of Pokémon Go's gameplay but additional, official, statements on how the game will work overall are yet to be announced. Developers have also instructed beta testers to keep all information confidential. These testers have been prevented from posting any content regarding field tests to keep the element of surprise until the game's official launch date. Pokémon fans in countries not selected for the beta tests have to wait for further official updates.

For lucky gamers residing in Australia and New Zealand, the requirements list that:

  • The game can only be played on an iOS device, version 8 and above, or an Android device, version 4.3 and above. Developers, however, do not guarantee that the game will work with all smartphones that fit the categories described.
  • Interested testers should agree to a "Privacy Policy" before signing up and once selected, agree to the game's built-in "Terms of Services" conditions.
  • The signing up process can end abruptly without any prior notice so users are advised to sign up as soon as they can.
  • Field testers will be randomly picked based on luck, experience with real world gaming, and OS type. Selected individuals will receive a confirmation email that will detail the next steps of registration. Interested applicants are also advised to make sure that they provide a valid email address as confirmation emails sent by the developers will only be sent once. If the email gets lost or sent somewhere else, it will not be re-issued.
  • Game wipes will happen most of the time because of the game's current testing build. None of the saved data will carry over to the official release.
  • There will be no compensations for players who undertake the responsibility of testing the game. The sole purpose of the beta test is for players to abuse the game's limitations, send feedbacks and bug reports. Developers view the field test as the player's own reward.
  • Field testers are cautioned to practice safety as they travel the real world to test the game. The developers will deny any and all accidents and injuries caused during testing.
  • Lastly, the field testing account is reserved for one player only. Developers prohibit players from "gifting, lending or exchanging the account."

All interested Pokémon Go players in Australia and New Zealand can visit Niantic Labs' registration page to sign up for the field test.

Photo: Sadie Hernandez | Flickr