Gotta Catch 'Em All! Here Are 20 Real Life Animals That Inspired Some Of Your Favorite Pokémon

For 20 years Pokémon fans have been collecting and evolving their cute and powerful pocket monsters. But did you know that many adorable Pokémon were based on real life animals (and plants!) that are equally exciting and special?

Here are 20 interesting creatures from the real world that have inspired Pokémon for two decades:

Under The Sea

We've already reached 20, but here are other Pokémon based on real life things, and one mythical being!

Futakuchi-onna is a Japanese monster which grows on the back of the heads of women who diet too much - the mouth is a punishment as it needs to consume double the amount of food a normal person needs.

Instead of coconuts, this tree-like Pokémon has different heads, each with its own mind and personalities.

Mr. Mime
Winner of the most uninventive Pokémon name, Mr. Mime is based on mimes.

Rafflesia arnoldii is the world's largest carnivorous plant. It is also called a corpse flower because it smells like rotting flesh to attract flies.

Also inspired by another kind of carnivorous plant, the Pitcher Plant.

Literally it is an overflowing black bag of trash.