'Pokkén Tournament' Compatible With All Amiibo Figures And Amiibo Cards

Pokkén Tournament, an upcoming game for the Nintendo Wii U that will pit Pokémon in Tekken-style battles against one another, will be compatible with Amiibo figures and cards.

The game will be launched for the Nintendo Wii U in March 18 for all regions. The Amiibo compatibility for the video game can be seen in the official website of Nintendo of America.

According to the Pokkén Tournament page on the website, the game will be compatible with all Amiibo accessories unlocking in-game items.

No further details have been revealed about the compatibility of Amiibo accessories with Pokkén Tournament though, such as the items that gamers will be able to gain access to by using them.

In addition to the note on Amiibo compatibility, the Pokkén Tournament page on the Nintendo of America website also notes that a Shadow Mewtwo Amiibo card will be included with physical copies of the first edition of the game. The card can then be scanned within Pokkén Tournament to unlock the character as a fighter that players can use.

Nintendo of America says, however, that the special Amiibo card will not be offered to gamers that purchase digital copies of the title.

The game, which is already available in arcade machines in Japan, will have players fighting in a two-tier fighting system, with fights varying depending on the distance of the Pokémon fighters from each other. From a distance, the fighters move around the 3D environment to either come closer to their enemy or fire projectiles. However, once the fighters come close to each other, the 3D environment transforms into a 2D environment where players can launch combos and counterattacks.

The different Pokémon in the roster of Pokkén Tournament all have abilities which, in combination with the fighting system, lead to unique matches.

The Pokémon are separated into two categories, namely Battle Pokémon and Support Pokémon. Shadow Mewtwo is among the Battle Pokémon, with other fighters such as Pikachu, Machamp, Charizard and Suicune. The Battle Pokémon will be assisted in battle by the Support Pokémon, which include the pairs Frogadier and Eevee, Farfetch'd and Electrode and Mismagius and Ninetales.