LED flashlights have become a staple feature on Android smartphones, often doubling as a handy flashlight. However, not all Android devices offer the same level of control over this useful feature. 

For instance, Samsung allows users to adjust the flashlight's intensity, but Google's Pixel phones, including the latest Pixel 8, do not. However, don't worry about this small issue since you can bypass it by installing third-party apps on PlayStore.

Pixel 8's Default Flashlight Setting

Google Pixel 8's Flashlight Restricted at 50% Brightness, But You Can Bypass it: Here's How
(Photo : Samuel Angor from Unsplash)
The LED flash on Google Pixel 8 can only reach up to 50% brightness. However, if you think that its full brightness can reduce your handset's lifespan, here's a quick hack to bypass it.

On most Android devices, you might assume the flashlight function operates at full intensity when activated. Surprisingly, this isn't the case with the Google Pixel 8, which defaults to using only 50% of its potential brightness. 

According to Android Police, this limitation extends across the Pixel lineup, including the Pixel 8, 8 Pro, and 7, all running on Android 14 or the newer Android 15 beta.

Related Article: Amazon UK Deals: Snag the Latest Google Pixel 8 Phone and Save £100

Lack of Built-in Intensity Control

One of the significant drawbacks for Pixel users is the lack of options to adjust the flashlight's brightness. On Pixel devices, interacting with the flashlight toggle in the Quick Settings only allows users to turn it on or off, with no option to adjust the intensity. This fixed functionality can be restrictive for users who need a more powerful light source in different situations.

Third-Party Solutions

Despite these limitations, Pixel users have found workarounds through third-party applications available on Google Play, such as Simple Flashlight or FlashDim. 

Redditor Adnaks wrote on r/GooglePixel that these apps leverage the capabilities introduced in Android 13, which include two APIs designed to control the LED flash's brightness level. By utilizing these third-party solutions, users can override the default setting and increase the flashlight intensity to 100%, significantly enhancing the LED's brightness.

Caution Advised When Using Full Brightness

While it might be tempting to always use your flashlight at maximum brightness, there are important considerations to keep in mind. 

It's important to note that Google's decision to limit the flashlight intensity could stem from concerns about overheating. Extended use of the LED flash at full brightness can lead to overheating, potentially reducing the lifespan of the LED or diminishing its brightness over time. Users are advised to avoid prolonged use at high intensity to prevent these issues.

General Advice for Non-Pixel Android Users

For Android users with devices other than Pixels, who also face limitations in adjusting flashlight brightness, exploring third-party flashlight apps can be beneficial. These apps might provide the flexibility needed to enhance the functionality of your device's LED flash beyond any default settings imposed by the manufacturer.

The flashlight feature on Android devices like the Google Pixel may have certain limitations, but with the advent of third-party apps and Android's evolving API capabilities, users have options to enhance their experience. 

Whether you own a Pixel or another Android device, understanding how to safely and effectively manage your flashlight's intensity can help you make the most out of this essential feature, ensuring you have the right amount of light exactly when you need it.

In early April, Tech Times reported that Find My Device was launched in Pixel 8. This tracking feature was first released in North America, specifically in Canada and the United States.

Read Also: Pixel 8 Won't Run Gemini Nano AI Due to 'Hardware Limitations' But is Available for Pro

Joseph Henry

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