'WWE 2K16' Unleashes 'My Career' Trailer, Allowing Gamers To Tell Their Own Storylines

There's nothing like climbing your way to the top.

WWE 2K16 allows gamers to do just that via its My Career mode — take a wrestler from NXT to vie for the Intercontinental and WWE World Heavyweight championships on the main roster, and even attempt to get inducted into the Hall of Fame by accomplishing a checklist of milestones.

As explained to GameSpot via its My Career trailer, WWE 2K16's My Career mode gives gamers the option of working their way up through the Performance Center and dominating the NXT ranks or trying their hand against competition from the main roster.

The mode gives gamers all the tools to tell their own storylines — how they respond during interviews and how they deal with the Authority, while allowing them to run in and interfere in others' matches.

As Ramelle Ballesca, game designer of the My Career mode, explained to GameSpot, users can choose whether to handle interviews with Renee Young aggressively and talk down to other wrestlers or treat them with respect. Choosing the former option will lead to repercussions from other WWE superstars, all of whom are keeping an eye on your character and could choose to interfere in your matches.

Your character can also run in and interfere before or during a match — whether it's a sneak-attack from the entrance ramp, jumping the fan barricade or distracting a referee. Any choice you make will create rivalries in addition to alliances.

With the Authority playing such a vital role in wrestlers' career trajectories, My Career mode also allows you the option to choose whether to defy the corporate brass or work with them. Either choice can lead to different paths. The trailer even shows a character assaulting Triple H and eventually getting attacked by the Big Show and Kane as a result.

Taking your wrestler to the top of the heap via My Career mode could be the best part of WWE 2K16. It's just another reason to yearn for its Oct. 27 release to roll around.

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Tags:WWE 2K16
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