'Game of Thrones': Who Is The Night's King, And Is He A Stark?

We finally get to see the Night's King in full in the latest episode of Game of Thrones, but who is he exactly? That's a question situated in the minds of thousands.

In the TV show, we first saw the Night's King as he appeared to turn a newborn human baby into a White Walker. We're not 100 percent certain if such is the case, or if this child was turned into some type of hybrid. From the books, we know that White Walkers and the Wildlings have mated before to bring forth half-White Walker and half-Wildling children.

OK, let's not stray away and focus on the matter at hand.

(Photo: HBO)

So, who is the Night's King? Well, he's one of the First Men. However, it is not certain if he appeared in Westeros 8,000 years ago along with others as the first human beings to set foot on the land or if he was born after.

We also know that he is the 13th Commander of the Night's Watch, so since that is the case, he was surely born after the First Men came to Westeros. We understand that he fell in love with a woman with white ice-like skin and blue eyes, and it is suspected that this woman was a White Walker.

In the process of giving his seed to this woman, he also gave up his soul, which is probably why he is now a White Walker and also their King.

After falling in love with the woman, he brought her back to the Nightfort, and there he ruled for 13 years until he was defeated. He was never heard from or seen again, and all records of him were destroyed.

What's his name?

According to Old Nan, the Night's King is likely a Stark, Brandon Stark. Some people believe he's a Bolton, a Magnar of Skagos, an Umber, a Flint, a Norrey or a Woodfoot. However, Old Nan clearly seems to know best.

Old Nan also said he was a warrior who knew no fear, but that was his greatest fault, for all men must know fear.

If he is indeed a Stark, then when the storyline comes full circle in the coming years, we expect fans to go crazy.

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