Spotify offers best student discount ever - Premium subscriptions for just $5

Attention, class! Spotify is now offering the best student discount ever. Spotify Premium subscriptions are now half off for all U.S. college students who are currently enrolled at a university. Students will only have to pay $5 a month for premium music-streaming bliss.

It's good to be in college. You sleep in, eat free pizza at club meetings, people give you discounts and freebies are thrown your way all the time. Now Spotify is joining the club, offering Spotify Premium subscriptions for 50 percent off. Instead of the $10 you'd normally pay to listen to your playlists on the subway where there's no Wi-Fi, you'll only have to pay $5 each month. All you have to do is stay in school and let Spotify know that you're a broke college student.

Pretty good deal, right? Definitely. Especially when you consider the fact that a Premium subscription won't just let you listen to playlists offline, it will also give you access to 20 million songs, which you can listen to at your leisure without being interrupted by an advertisement every five seconds. Audiophiles should also celebrate because Premium subscriptions guarantee that you'll get better audio quality too.

Although the discount technically only lasts 12 months, before Spotify ratchets the price back up to $10 each month, you can actually unsubscribe and resubscribe using the discount code again to get your $5-a-month promotion back. Spotify will even let you do that three more times, so theoretically, you will be able to get Spotify Premium for $5 for your entire collegiate career (assuming you graduate on time and don't want to subject yourself to grad school).

Even if you already pay Spotify $10 a month for the Premium subscription, you can enter the discount code at any time and get your $5 off. In order to be eligible for the student discount, you must be currently enrolled in a two-year, four-year or junior college in the United States. Spotify is using SheerID to ensure that you are actually currently enrolled in college, so if you just graduated a month ago, don't even think about trying any funny business. Spotify will find you out.

Spotify is extremely popular among college students, who consider buying digital music from iTunes or Google Play so last year. Since Spotify started linking with Facebook, it has added 1 million more subscribers, but it wants more. Targeting the 22 million or so college students in the United States is definitely the way to go. There's just something about cramming for midterms that inspired students to create infinite playlists on both Spotify and Netflix.

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