Any franchise that endures for more than two decades is going to have its ups and downs. Just look at Star Wars, for a great example.
For Sega's video game icon Sonic, that down period has been especially long. It seems as if there hasn't been a great Sonic game in more than decade, and that the series is only getting worse the longer it goes on. The most recent Sonic games, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and its 3DS spin-off, are among two of the worst games in the franchise, and definitively are the worst-selling games in the series to date.
Such is the state of Sonic the Hedgehog as the franchise celebrates 25 years. Poor games. Poor sales. The only good Sonic game to release in recent years was 2011's Sonic Generations, a title made to commemorate the franchise's 20th birthday. If you're a Sonic fan, the future might look bleak.
There is, however, a silver lining to Sonic's current video game rut: the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account. It is, by far, the best part of the Sonic franchise in 2016, which certainly says something about the current state of the beloved series. However, regardless of whether or not Sonic's games have been good or bad as of late, the Sonic Twitter account is pure magic.
It all started in June of 2015, when the old Sonic social media team stepped down. It was time for new blood, and almost instantly, the internet took notice of the Sonic Twitter account's ... unusual style.
A haiku of speed
For you, oh great internets,
I must go quickly— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) July 8, 2015
That was just the beginning. The Sonic Twitter account soon proved itself to be perfectly in tune with Sonic memes and jokes, and it wasn't long before the official Sonic account was filled with terrible fan art, mesmerizing Photoshopping and terrible (and terribly great) puns. A meme master had taken the reigns, and there was no going back.
If you can dream it, you can do it. Except dreaming that the earth is flat, because that just makes you look silly. — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) January 29, 2016
#ReasonsHumansWillGoExtinct — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) April 5, 2016
Gotta go fatsr. #FanArtFriday — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) November 20, 2015
Perhaps the best part of the Sonic Twitter account is how it regularly interacts with other members of the video game industry and even other brands. Here it is making fun of a notorious IGN review.
@IGN Got you covered. — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) September 8, 2015
Here's the account joining in on the internet's recent addiction to Blizzard's Overwatch.
.@PlayOverwatch did someone say "Gotta Go Fast"? — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) May 23, 2016
If an account is talking about going fast, you know Sonic will be there.
We fixed this for you, @fitbit. Always Go Fast. Always. #MondayMotivation
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) April 18, 2016
Most recently, the Sonic account has been throwing some serious shade at Mighty No. 9, the Kickstarted Mega Man successor that has endured a number of delays and controversies — like the time a Mighty No. 9 trailer made fun of anime fans.
Dear Anime Fans: On Prom Night, at least we'll still be there for you. — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) May 26, 2016
Or when Mighty No. 9 did finally release to negative reviews.
Congrats on the launch, @MightyNo9! It's better than nothing. — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) June 21, 2016
Both savage and savagely funny, Sonic's account never pulls any punches and doesn't ever offer up excuses. It's weird, it's wacky, but it's also a breath of fresh air. In a social media landscape that is filled with brands trying oh-so-desperately to "stay on brand," Sonic's Twitter account couldn't care less. For once, it feels like an in-the-trenches fan is at the helm of a major social media account. It is its own brand in many ways, and fans have reacted with an overwhelming nod of approval. Here's to 25 more years of Sonic, and hopefully another 25 years of on-point Sonic memes.
Moving into 25 with a bang!
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) April 12, 2016