Next 'Fallout 4' DLC Could Be Called 'Nuka World': Post-Apocalyptic Theme Park?

The next Fallout 4 DLC following the yet-to-be-released Far Harbor has already been uncovered — that is, if the game files are anything to go by.

Right off the bat, players could soon be taking a stroll in Nuka World, exploring a whole new environment for more adventure. On top of that, there appears to be two files for the Workshop DLC, and that could mean that there are more Settlement constructions in tow.

Buzz of this development started to spread when a Reddit user who goes by the name of flashman7870 data mined the game and posted the results over at /r/fo4.

As everyone can see, the files in question are named "DLCNukaWorld.esm," "DLCworkshop02.esm" and "DLCworkshop03.esm." Now, Bethesda typically uses the .esm file extension to refer to files for the main game. In other words, this is a good sign that the fourth DLC will in fact be called Nuka World and that significant improvements for Wasteland Workshop are headed their way to the game.

To explain further why this is likely to be true, this discovery is in line with what Bethesda said before, stating that the Automatron, Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor DLC packs are just the start of additional content. That may sound a little forced, but it does make sense.

"[T]his is only the beginning. We have plans for more. More than $60 worth of new Fallout adventures and features throughout 2016," Bethesda said.

As for what Nuka World could be, it really does sound like a post-apocalyptic theme park, so it's probably safe to expect Nuka Cola-based rides, snacks and other treats there.

In other Fallout­-related news, the Far Harbor DLC is set to roll out in a few days' time on May 19 across the PC, Xbox One and PS4. To keep the good times rolling, the legendary dweller Old Longfellow is also making his way to every vault in Fallout Shelter for Android.

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